Zamane Hatunları Üçüncülük Ödül
Garanti – Elele Dergisi
Kıvılcımlar Ödülü
Değişim Liderleri Derneği
Ashoka Fellow 2012
ASHOKA (Dünya’nın ilk ve en geniş sosyal girişimci ağı)
Türkiye’nin üç milyon çiftçisinin ekonomisi ve toplum içerisinde aktif yer alması için bir platform oluşturulmasının mimarlığı.
Fark Yaratan
Sabancı Vakfı
Çiftçileri sanal ortamda alıcılarla buluşturan ve çiftçiler için farklı projelere de imza atan Tarımsal Pazarlama Platformu’nun kurucusu Tülin Akın, Sabancı Vakfı’nın yeni Fark Yaratan’ı olarak seçildi.
ABIE Social Impact Award Winner
Anita Borg Institute
Tülin Akin, Co-founder of Tabit / Tarimsal Pazarlama Ltd. (Agricultural Informatics and Communication Technologies), is building an information platform to enable Turkey’s three million farm families, especially women, to fully and actively participate in the economy and society. She is bringing together two unlikely friends-Turkish farmers and information technologies, to provide farmers with up-to-date information, know-how, skills.
TOYP World First Prize for Business, economic, and/or entrepreneurial accomplishment
Junior Chamber International
Raised in impoverished villages in Turkey, Tülin Akın was exposed to the needs and challenges of rural communities early in life. Throughout her studies and work in these communities, Akın realized that Turkey’s agriculture sector and local farmers were not present on the Internet. Forming a solution to these challenges, Akın established Turkey’s first e-learning and e-commerce media outlet to help farmers gain access to information regarding.
Social&Business Co-creation / Special Mention of the Jury is Award
Zermatt Summit & Ashoka Changemakers
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